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The current selection contains 197 hankies out of totally 2426 in my museum. 20 hankies per page are shown.

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Wisconsin, the badger state

Rating 3.7 (7 votes).

Hairpin lace

Rating 3.9 (16 votes).

Roses on a dark blue background

Rating 4.0 (18 votes).

A neat Christmas handkerchief

Rating 4.3 (4 votes).

Two cocktail napkins by Carl Tait IV

Rating 5.0 (32 votes).

Two cocktail napkins by Carl Tait III

Rating 5.0 (37 votes).

Two cocktail napkins by Carl Tait I

Rating 5.0 (28 votes).

Mickey Mouse with his drums

Rating 3.7 (15 votes).

Mickey Mouse and Pluto II

Rating 3.3 (7 votes).

Donald Duck and Daisy In the linelight

Rating 3.3 (7 votes).

A nice Mickey Mouse-hanky

Rating 3.1 (13 votes).

Mickey Mouse and his skateboards

Rating 3.2 (6 votes).

Mickey Mouse and Pluto I

Rating 3.1 (8 votes).

Mickey Mouse and dinosaurs

Rating 2.9 (9 votes).

Two Donald Duck hankies

Rating 3.4 (10 votes).

Circus delight

Rating 4.2 (13 votes).

So charming pictures

Rating 4.2 (12 votes).

Pictured from a circus

Rating 4.5 (19 votes).

A small story

Rating 4.2 (11 votes).

Dear friend

Rating 4.1 (13 votes).
©2005-2024 Hanky Bouquet • Page published by Kristina on 2007-04-16 • About...Condition of use