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The current selection contains 70 hankies out of totally 2426 in my museum. 20 hankies per page are shown.

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The Baltic exhibition 1914

Rating 3.0 (21 votes).

Exhibition in Ljungby 1928

Rating 3.0 (22 votes).

Stockholm Exhibition 1930

Rating 4.1 (23 votes).

The Agriculture Conference Malmö 1914

Rating 4.8 (28 votes).

The Stockholm Exhibition 1897

Rating 4.8 (36 votes).

The Västerås Exhibition 1929

Rating 3.9 (30 votes).

The Gothenburg Exhibition 1928

Rating 3.5 (25 votes).

Views from Gränna, Sweden

Rating 3.1 (32 votes).

Stockholm Exhibition 1930

Rating 4.0 (36 votes).

Lund exhibition 1907

Rating 4.0 (28 votes).

Ida´s keepsake of Stockholm Exhibition 1909

Rating 4.0 (24 votes).

Helsingborg Exhibition 1903

Rating 4.1 (31 votes).

Old views from Stockholm

Rating 4.8 (57 votes).

Three Swedish souvenirs

Rating 3.6 (32 votes).

Björkliden in yellow

Rating 2.9 (32 votes).

Marie on blue background

Rating 4.6 (32 votes).

Stockholm Exhibition 1930

Rating 3.9 (21 votes).

Home exhibition Tingsryd 1933

Rating 4.3 (31 votes).

Exhibition Stockholm 1949

Rating 4.7 (23 votes).


Rating 3.1 (35 votes).
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